A Day of Contrast

Well, I woke up bright and early at 11 am this morning and then zapped two pieces of leftover pizza.   I then hoped in the car and drove back into town for an interesting night.  Sally and I took off to go see the Trans Siberian Orchestra and they were amazing as always.  The first hour and a half to two hours they play their slower music that tells a story about Christmas.  They play a few of the songs they are well known for every few songs but for the most part they are calm songs with very graceful light shows.  Then they introduce the band and some of the crowd that hasn’t seen them perform before leaves. Little did they know, TSO just uses the first hour and a half for a warm up.  They then play all their up beat and pretty much turn into a rock concert.  Their lights start going crazy with lasers shooting out of everywhere imaginable.  It is always worth seeing them and I would recommend their show to anyone that wanted to go to a concert. Even if you don’t like their music, you will be more than entertained with their over the top light and pyrotechnics show.   Taking the videos I have filmed off of Sally’s camera has proven to be more difficult than anticipated so  I will try to get those videos to work and post them tomorrow so I can share a little of the experience with you.

After TSO it was another battle to try and get onto 94 E.  You would think they would put a few on ramps next to the on ramps for 94 W, but they don’t.  We drove for about 20 minutes to find out how to get back onto 94 E when we had to make a 7 pm movie show time.

We finally figured it out and arrived at St. Catherine University to watch a Deaf movie titled Gerald.  I had wondered for the past few days what a Deaf movie would be like or what they would make it about.  Lucky me today was my day to find out.  First thing I noticed at the movie was that none of the movie previews had sound. There wasn’t any: talking, music, background noises, nothing.  After the first couple preview I realized the movie hasn’t even started yet and accepted the fact that this would probably be a really, really, really, long 2 hours.

Turns out I wasn’t completely correct on my assumption.  Yes the movie was very silent but the audience on the other hand made up more than plenty for the sound the movie wasn’t making.  There were people: crinkling pop cans, flicking pop tabs, laughing, and shuffling around.  The heater would even make a strange hissing noise and then some loud clicks every time it turned on.  Also the movie started out pretty slow but then we were introduced to Gerald. Gerald was an elderly deaf man with autism and was always ready to make the audience laugh.  Once I got into reading the subtitles I started getting into the movie.  I don’t want to say anything to spoil the movie, but if you ever want to see a deaf movie for the experience, I would recommend watching Gerald.  Even though it is a very quiet hour and forty five minutes it is an interesting movie. I would give it 7 out of 10. Sorry but the trailer does not have subtitles.

Yay Weekend

So finally the weekend is here and there are no tests until Wednesday.... So to fill you in since my last post: I have been busy with the test, I fixed my TV, and I had a weird dream about Michael Jackson.  The big news is that I finally found out why the VCR I brought back to school was not working. It turns out that the TV needs to be on channel 4 (I am an idiot). Anyway I have the converter box and my ps2 hooked up through the VCR, which runs to my TV, and they are all hooked into the receiver that I received from someone off of Craigslist. Yup, living the good life.

Anyway, tomorrow seems like it's going to turn out to be an interesting day. The plan is to go see Trans Siberian Orchestra at 3 and then 'someone' is trying to force me to go to a Deaf movie so I would sit there for 2 hours having no idea what they were saying. Maybe a good time to take a nap.  Sally and I went to see TSO like 3 years ago and it was a great show so hopefully this one will be as interesting as the last. I found a clip of them from last year on youtube so if you want to see a little bit of what they are capable of, play the clip below.

As a lot of people know I usually don't keep track of what is going on in the NBA (unless the Timberpuppies are actually winning) but I happened to check out NBA.com to see how the beloved Timberpuppies were doing (1-9). While I was looking around on the main page they had a link to a crazy dunk by Dwayne Wade.

Crazy? I think so.

Anyway enough videos.  I am currently looking for some new pictures to mess with in Photoshop because the truth is I haven't taken any photos as of late to mess around with.  Well if I think of anything else I will just have to make a new post.

If you want to comment under every post there is a little line that says  "Posted by Steven Farmer at 9:13 PM 0 comments", Just click on the comments link and it will take you to a little box you can write what you want in.  Also while you are here feel free to click on these random google links and maybe some day I will get a check for a few pennies :). That is all.

One down one to go.

So I took my management test today and it went better than expected. Now I only have to make sure I know 5 chapters of marketing... Anyway Thats all I'm going to write about tonight due to being tired and a need to wake up early to study a little more before the test.

Here come the tests

Well as the title says the next two days I will have two tests. My marketing class test is over 5 chapters and my organizational management is over only two. The big news of today is I happened to be browsing Craigslist right before heading to class and saw some good speakers and sent an email and went to class. After a hour and a half of class ticks by my pocket starts vibrating with a text message saying the speakers were mine. So after class I took off to Hudson to pick them up. Drove back to school attended class and started moving stuff into my room. It took a bit of tinkering with wires and settings and all that but I finally have it set up and working as I am watching the news.  A picture of the final setup is below.  I received the two big speakers, the woofer hiding behind the TV, and the receiver on top the left speaker.

Sally was talking to me on gmail and ran across a craigslist add for volunteer activities. I looked more into this opportunity and have found some great opportunities to help out that would be fun to participate in.  You can check out their site at handsontwincities.  Well I am going to watch some Letterman and study for my test tomorrow morning now and head to bed for a big day tomorrow.

One Random thought before I go. If you ever wondered how big the largest animal on earth is Click Here.

First missed chance to post...

Well as you can tell I have already missed my first day of writing on here so off to a bad start.  Yesterday was kind of a low key day. I woke up fiddled around the house and then the gopher game came on. It was a pretty good game and came down to the wire pretty much. Most people think that Eric Decker being hurt would hurt this team.  He was on my team in the Minnesota high school basketball all star series so I have nothing against him. But what I will say is that sometimes when teams have a really good player they always try to go to that player instead of making some smarter plays. Anyway I thought they played an amazing second half and did really good distributing the ball amongst the team, just came up a little short.  Then my father and I drove off down the road to drop off our beloved freezer. Then Sally came and picked me up and we went and talked to my aunt Carolyn for 45 minutes or so and then off to her dads place in Lake Elmo.  We watched the movie 500 Days of Summer.  I watched the previews and they looked funny. I read online that people thought it was a great movie. But when I watched it I didn't think it reached the point that it was hyped up to be.  I found it to be slow, not nearly as funny as the commercials, and a little distracting as it was flipping through the days.  Overall I would give it 6 out of 10 and definitely not on my list to watch again.