After pancakes we left the church to drive home and turns out my brother's car thought it would be funny to joke around a little bit. He put his key in the ignition but it just kept spinning in circles and would never catch on anything or start the car. After twisting the key hole around about 20 times it was looking pretty grim. Mom went to get us a ride, but a few minutes later as a group of people were gathered to talk about how they have never seen this happen before we received a tip on how to get it going. Turns out if your key keeps spinning you just have wiggle it around. After some wiggling it finally started up and homeward we go.
It is a story about a company wanting to find a very rare mineral but the dilemma is 1. its on Pandora and 2. the Na'vi people have their home tree right above the largest supply. Anyway the company can make robot Na'vi people that they can control in a chamber and to make a long story short the Na'vi accept one of the people controlling a robot as one of their own and a battle breaks out over their land.
I highly suggest that you see it in 3D in the theater or if you don't make that you better buy the new 3D TV's hitting the shelves and see it that way.
After watching this movie it sparked my memory that once upon a time I actually made some 3D pictures. They are nothing great and they do require you to put on those silly blue and red glasses. Anyway two of them are of my shoe and one of them is of Kyle while he is sitting in my basement.
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