Little fuzzy balls

Well, it has been quite some time before looking at this even though I have it placed in my bookmarks tab not 3 inches above where I am currently writing. Anyway a lot has happened recently. Lets start off with a little pregnant cat that is slowly trying to annoy me. Yes, the man who is allergic to cats had 2 cats living with him last semester and turns out they really liked my room. Anyway Mini (Minerva) has been pregnant and the babies were due sometime over J-term so I was thinking how great it would be to come back from break and then have not only two cats to worry about but also have a bunch of little fuzzy balls of sneezing and itchy eye to worry about. Well the day came where I looked on facebook and my roommates status was that the babies were born. Two days later the roommate had posted that none of the babies made it. I was a little shocked.

So now it is January 24th and I am all set to go back to school for my final semester as an undergrad. I drive back to school, get stuff out of the car, and walk up to the door. I open the door and what did I see? HORROR!! Not one... Not two... but FOUR little fuzzy balls of sneezing and itchy eye running around terrorizing the place. There were three roommates in the living room so I can only imagine the look on my face when I walked through the door.

Anyway after hiding in fear in my room for a couple days I finally open up the door and in fly these little kittens. One of them instantly had its attention pulled to the fish in my fish tank, another one was trying to suffocate the next one in a plastic bag, and the last one was in a trans while watching my TV. All this is going on and in strolls Mini who looks up at me, gives that little cat squeal sound and proceeds to lay on her back and stretch out on my carpet.

After a while it was getting a little ridiculous so I had to ask where they came from. Turns out Mini had 5 babies but 4 of them were still births and 1 of them lived to see 2 days. The cats that love to ruin my life came from her moms house and they were at ours to be "socialized". After a while,I have kind of warmed up to these little fuzzy things ruining my room, and all my sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes have completely stopped. Does this story have a moral? Yes, if you are stuck with little animals terrorizing your room, and drawing blood when they try to use you as a scratch post, you have to look at the bright side. I no longer have cat allergy symptoms!! YAY...


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