Well here I am again writing in this thing. A lot has happened for sure since the last time I wrote on this thing so maybe I can start updating in more of a routine way. Anyway on with the show.
So a while back ago, my father, mother, and I went to go watch the Aquatennial parade in downtown Minneapolis. We always sit close to where the parade starts and it just so happens that the really annoying and loud K102 stand is right there... Anyway we sit down for a peaceful wait around 5 so we can claim our seats. I was bored so I made a little time lapse video of the cars and whatnot going by.
No sound or anything fun like that but a few of the people driving by would make faces and wave at my camera. I was meant to show the hoards of people walking down the street to start the race but wouldn't you know they didn't close the road until everyone already walked by us. You can catch a glimpse of the chaos on the very left side with the people walking down the side walk.
So back to my ranting. K102 sets up a booth with a "special person" seating area. After seeing who was sitting in it I will agree that it was the "special" group. Anyway back on track, they set up a platform so they can see everything pretty good and set up their speakers so loud you could probably hear them through the vibrations in your teeth if you were deaf. It is fine that they talk about the floats and sponsors driving by but honestly, do they have ramble on about everyone for 5 minutes? no. Do they really have to name every member of the marching bands and their parents when I am trying to listen to the band? they think so. It is a nice parade but K102 has to ruin it for about half the people watching. Ugh, anyway I will figure something else to put in a few minutes.
STOP THE PRESS.. this just in.... LINDSAY LOHAN WENT TO JAIL..... OMG!!! everyone stop doing anything... our world is crashing because Lindsay went to jail........
Why couldn't they have just showed something useful on TV.. like I dunno.. maybe how to watch the grass grow...
Why couldn't they have just showed something useful on TV.. like I dunno.. maybe how to watch the grass grow...
Howdy Doody...
Well I have decided the new look isn't working out because I don't have a sign in link so I am going to be trying a few new looks and getting this thing back up and running... Good luck to me :).
The spoils of Craigslist
Well, after taking a break over two months long I figured it was about time to write a few more posts. The news today was there was a posting on Craigslist that said "free aquarium" so naturally I jumped at the opportunity to email a stranger and hope I get an aquarium.
I sent a message to the random email address and voila, six minutes later I get a response from a Dianne Cheney. After a few emails back and fourth for some reason she decided that I "won" the tank so I rushed out of the house to go pick it up. It ended up being a hexagonal tank and she said it is 30 gallons. As I pulled up to her house I noticed a girl standing there with a stomach that looked like she was 8 months and 3 weeks pregnant. Anyway, I go and pick up the tank from her garage and shove it in the car. It was filled with all sorts of weird and probably useless goodies.
So I'm about to drive off and then she says "don't forget the stand". I walk up and make a horrible joke about how great it is to get a stand also, no laugh, sad day. Anyway, I shove that into the other side of the car and take off down the road back to school. Below I have a couple pictures of the stand.
It looks pretty sturdy and it happens to be the cleanest thing that came with the tank. I put the stand in my room and then fished the tank out of the car and took the goodies out. The goodies happen to consist of: a light, a cover, a filter that has a bio wheel but a filter bag that doesn't fit, a scrapper thing, and an interesting little scuba diver. After those are out, I put some paper down on the grass and tipped the tank over to get the nasty black rocks out of the bottom of it. The rocks are currently sitting in our yard and I'm really hoping I wake up tomorrow morning and they are magically gone. We don't have a hose or a razor blade which means no heavy cleaning of the tank, so I decided I would place it on the stand in my room. Again a few pictures.
I sent a message to the random email address and voila, six minutes later I get a response from a Dianne Cheney. After a few emails back and fourth for some reason she decided that I "won" the tank so I rushed out of the house to go pick it up. It ended up being a hexagonal tank and she said it is 30 gallons. As I pulled up to her house I noticed a girl standing there with a stomach that looked like she was 8 months and 3 weeks pregnant. Anyway, I go and pick up the tank from her garage and shove it in the car. It was filled with all sorts of weird and probably useless goodies.
Here is Myles checking out the extras
Here is a picture minus the cat
So I'm about to drive off and then she says "don't forget the stand". I walk up and make a horrible joke about how great it is to get a stand also, no laugh, sad day. Anyway, I shove that into the other side of the car and take off down the road back to school. Below I have a couple pictures of the stand.
Door open
It looks pretty sturdy and it happens to be the cleanest thing that came with the tank. I put the stand in my room and then fished the tank out of the car and took the goodies out. The goodies happen to consist of: a light, a cover, a filter that has a bio wheel but a filter bag that doesn't fit, a scrapper thing, and an interesting little scuba diver. After those are out, I put some paper down on the grass and tipped the tank over to get the nasty black rocks out of the bottom of it. The rocks are currently sitting in our yard and I'm really hoping I wake up tomorrow morning and they are magically gone. We don't have a hose or a razor blade which means no heavy cleaning of the tank, so I decided I would place it on the stand in my room. Again a few pictures.
View from my bed
A little closer to look at the mess on the glass
Now I have an empty tank in my room so naturally I want to fill it up. After thinking for about 20 seconds the decision was to do a leak test. I headed down to the tub with a blue Petco bucket and filled it up with water. Brought it back to my room and poured it into the tank.
Water in tank
It only took one bucket of those to realize that this was a ridiculous idea because 1. It happens to be a very dirty tank. 2. I will have to take it down to bring it home and clean it up. 3. I don't want to empty out a bunch of water. After figuring that out it will now sit with that four inches of water until Thursday when I will attempt to empty it. Will we be able to use the tank? I have no idea, but the price was right and it is actually kind of a cool tank. Anyway the Two and a Half Men and Big Bang re-runs are over so it is time to go.
3 Dimensions
After waking up bright and early Sunday, my mother came bursting through my bedroom door yelling that we must go to the pancake breakfast held by the scout troop 167. After being frightened to death I got ready and we head out for some pancakes. We get to the church and all the little kids start making fun of me. Over last summer I signed up to be an assistant scout master so I could help out with their trip up to summer camp. Anyway now its kind of weird walking into eat pancakes and I have a bunch of middle and high school kids yelling my name or running over to talk to me. Anyway I eat my pancakes and every thing tasted amazing.
After pancakes we left the church to drive home and turns out my brother's car thought it would be funny to joke around a little bit. He put his key in the ignition but it just kept spinning in circles and would never catch on anything or start the car. After twisting the key hole around about 20 times it was looking pretty grim. Mom went to get us a ride, but a few minutes later as a group of people were gathered to talk about how they have never seen this happen before we received a tip on how to get it going. Turns out if your key keeps spinning you just have wiggle it around. After some wiggling it finally started up and homeward we go.
After getting home I rushed out of the house to the Carmike Cinema 20 in Oakdale MN to watch Avatar. I had low expectations for this movie because it is just blue people running through a little fantasy world. Well I was completely wrong. We saw it in 3D because everyone is saying you have to pay the extra $3 to get the silly glasses that don't fit on my huge nose. Anyway I am glad I did because looking back, that movie would be kinda ho-hum in regular viewing conditions.
It is a story about a company wanting to find a very rare mineral but the dilemma is 1. its on Pandora and 2. the Na'vi people have their home tree right above the largest supply. Anyway the company can make robot Na'vi people that they can control in a chamber and to make a long story short the Na'vi accept one of the people controlling a robot as one of their own and a battle breaks out over their land.
I highly suggest that you see it in 3D in the theater or if you don't make that you better buy the new 3D TV's hitting the shelves and see it that way.
After watching this movie it sparked my memory that once upon a time I actually made some 3D pictures. They are nothing great and they do require you to put on those silly blue and red glasses. Anyway two of them are of my shoe and one of them is of Kyle while he is sitting in my basement.
After pancakes we left the church to drive home and turns out my brother's car thought it would be funny to joke around a little bit. He put his key in the ignition but it just kept spinning in circles and would never catch on anything or start the car. After twisting the key hole around about 20 times it was looking pretty grim. Mom went to get us a ride, but a few minutes later as a group of people were gathered to talk about how they have never seen this happen before we received a tip on how to get it going. Turns out if your key keeps spinning you just have wiggle it around. After some wiggling it finally started up and homeward we go.
It is a story about a company wanting to find a very rare mineral but the dilemma is 1. its on Pandora and 2. the Na'vi people have their home tree right above the largest supply. Anyway the company can make robot Na'vi people that they can control in a chamber and to make a long story short the Na'vi accept one of the people controlling a robot as one of their own and a battle breaks out over their land.
I highly suggest that you see it in 3D in the theater or if you don't make that you better buy the new 3D TV's hitting the shelves and see it that way.
After watching this movie it sparked my memory that once upon a time I actually made some 3D pictures. They are nothing great and they do require you to put on those silly blue and red glasses. Anyway two of them are of my shoe and one of them is of Kyle while he is sitting in my basement.
Little fuzzy balls
Well, it has been quite some time before looking at this even though I have it placed in my bookmarks tab not 3 inches above where I am currently writing. Anyway a lot has happened recently. Lets start off with a little pregnant cat that is slowly trying to annoy me. Yes, the man who is allergic to cats had 2 cats living with him last semester and turns out they really liked my room. Anyway Mini (Minerva) has been pregnant and the babies were due sometime over J-term so I was thinking how great it would be to come back from break and then have not only two cats to worry about but also have a bunch of little fuzzy balls of sneezing and itchy eye to worry about. Well the day came where I looked on facebook and my roommates status was that the babies were born. Two days later the roommate had posted that none of the babies made it. I was a little shocked.
So now it is January 24th and I am all set to go back to school for my final semester as an undergrad. I drive back to school, get stuff out of the car, and walk up to the door. I open the door and what did I see? HORROR!! Not one... Not two... but FOUR little fuzzy balls of sneezing and itchy eye running around terrorizing the place. There were three roommates in the living room so I can only imagine the look on my face when I walked through the door.
Anyway after hiding in fear in my room for a couple days I finally open up the door and in fly these little kittens. One of them instantly had its attention pulled to the fish in my fish tank, another one was trying to suffocate the next one in a plastic bag, and the last one was in a trans while watching my TV. All this is going on and in strolls Mini who looks up at me, gives that little cat squeal sound and proceeds to lay on her back and stretch out on my carpet.
After a while it was getting a little ridiculous so I had to ask where they came from. Turns out Mini had 5 babies but 4 of them were still births and 1 of them lived to see 2 days. The cats that love to ruin my life came from her moms house and they were at ours to be "socialized". After a while,I have kind of warmed up to these little fuzzy things ruining my room, and all my sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes have completely stopped. Does this story have a moral? Yes, if you are stuck with little animals terrorizing your room, and drawing blood when they try to use you as a scratch post, you have to look at the bright side. I no longer have cat allergy symptoms!! YAY...
So now it is January 24th and I am all set to go back to school for my final semester as an undergrad. I drive back to school, get stuff out of the car, and walk up to the door. I open the door and what did I see? HORROR!! Not one... Not two... but FOUR little fuzzy balls of sneezing and itchy eye running around terrorizing the place. There were three roommates in the living room so I can only imagine the look on my face when I walked through the door.
Anyway after hiding in fear in my room for a couple days I finally open up the door and in fly these little kittens. One of them instantly had its attention pulled to the fish in my fish tank, another one was trying to suffocate the next one in a plastic bag, and the last one was in a trans while watching my TV. All this is going on and in strolls Mini who looks up at me, gives that little cat squeal sound and proceeds to lay on her back and stretch out on my carpet.
After a while it was getting a little ridiculous so I had to ask where they came from. Turns out Mini had 5 babies but 4 of them were still births and 1 of them lived to see 2 days. The cats that love to ruin my life came from her moms house and they were at ours to be "socialized". After a while,I have kind of warmed up to these little fuzzy things ruining my room, and all my sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes have completely stopped. Does this story have a moral? Yes, if you are stuck with little animals terrorizing your room, and drawing blood when they try to use you as a scratch post, you have to look at the bright side. I no longer have cat allergy symptoms!! YAY...
Random videos
I think I would give up climbing if this ever happened.
Watch the guy at 1:40 and the two guys at 3:35.
This next one isn't for the squeamish people.
This video makes a lot of sense and I really can't figure out why America hasn't embraced this as the new national past time.
Last but not least a motivation to make a decent stop motion video.
Watch the guy at 1:40 and the two guys at 3:35.
This next one isn't for the squeamish people.
This video makes a lot of sense and I really can't figure out why America hasn't embraced this as the new national past time.
Last but not least a motivation to make a decent stop motion video.
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